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You can support our work with a donation. According to our statutes your donation will be used solely for funded Projects: The work of our team for the Foundation is provided honorary and unpaid.


You have the following options for your donation:





  • Guido-Neumann-Stiftung gGmbH

  • IBAN: DE49 3846 2135 0012 3530 14

  • Volksbank Oberberg


  • Subject: Donation

Donate easily via PayPal. There are no fees. Via PayPal you can use your credit card or bank account for any donation.

Your donation is tax deductible


Within the German tax authorities the Guido Neumann Stiftung gGmbH is recognized as a charitable and non-profit organization and exempt from corporate tax, thus you can deduct donations from you tax.

Donations for Guido Neumann Stiftung gGmbH are tax-deductible. For donations up to 200,00 Euro you can use your bank statement. Only from a donation amounting exceeding 200.01 euros, the presentation of a donation receipt is required, which can be issued for you.


Please don’t forget to mention your address.

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